The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

The Love hypothesis is the contemporary adult romance written in third person. Olive Smith, a grad student doing her PhD in Stanford, in order to make her best friend move on in the relationship with their ex, maybe ex-date or the person whom olive was seeing. She made a lie that she is dating someone and to prove that lie she went ahead and kissed the first person she met and that person is none other than the youngest, handsome, most brilliant with genius IQ, academic rockstar and biology's wunderkind Dr Adam Carlsen but he is also mean, hypothetical, notoriously moody, obnoxious, terrifying person. This is what the grads in Stanford say about him. And Olive kissed this Adam Carlson which was seen by her best friend Anh and as per Olive's plan. (her plan was to make Anh believe that she is dating someone) and in order to maintain that lie she was forced to date Carlsen. Also, Adam on the other hand was facing some issues with the department that they have freezed...